Monday, September 21, 2015

How Phoenix Family Courts Grant Child Custody

In Phoenix, many child custody disputes between couples who divorce are settled through private agreement. If the parties refuse to compromise, on the other hand, child custody is left for the judge to decide. Now if it seems that your case is heading toward litigation, you may wonder what factors will affect the chances of you gaining custody of your child. Perhaps you’ve heard of courts awarding custody to the party it believes will act in accordance to child’s “best interest”, but what exactly does this mean?

Courts aim to give the child optimum security and happiness and place him/her in a nurturing environment that will develop him/her into a fine individual. Some of the factors include:

The child’s wish (if he/she mature enough to make sound decisions)
The parent’s emotional, mental, and physical health
History of child abandonment, neglect, or abuse
Financial stability
Cultural or religious factors
Support from extended family
The child’s relationship with siblings or other household members
The child’s age and gender
How a parent provides for the child’s special needs
The parents’ willingness to honor agreements on child visitation

The judge assigns weight to each factor at his/her own discretion. If you want to retain control over your child’s custody arrangements, work with divorce attorneys to come up with a sound and legally enforceable agreement. Settling matters out of court on your own would also reduce your overall divorce costs.

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