Monday, September 21, 2015

Getting through Divorce Proceedings in One Piece

During divorce proceedings, you and your spouse may be harboring a lot of negative feelings over the potential loss of home, friends, extended family, financial security, and most especially child custody. These emotions may be further intensified once your spouse comes at you with a disagreeable offer. Here are the ways to overcome your feelings when you’re negotiating a divorce settlement.

How Phoenix Family Courts Grant Child Custody

In Phoenix, many child custody disputes between couples who divorce are settled through private agreement. If the parties refuse to compromise, on the other hand, child custody is left for the judge to decide. Now if it seems that your case is heading toward litigation, you may wonder what factors will affect the chances of you gaining custody of your child. Perhaps you’ve heard of courts awarding custody to the party it believes will act in accordance to child’s “best interest”, but what exactly does this mean?

Monday, September 14, 2015

Divorce Lawyers in Phoenix, AZ: What to Know About Divorce in Arizona

If one goes by celebrity divorces, he or she might think the process is easy enough. The reality for many American couples is very different, however, as divorce often involves too many details, like property division, child support, and alimony. Because of the often complex issues in divorce, the guidance of a divorce lawyer is very critical. Divorce laws may vary from state to state, so Phoenix locals will do well to hire an attorney who is vastly experienced and knowledgeable about the ins and outs of Arizona divorce proceedings. Arizona Divorce Law Basics In Arizona either one of the spouses may file for a no-fault divorce only if the marriage is considered beyond reconciliation. If the couple has entered into a covenant marriage, the court must recognize adequate grounds to dissolve the marriage, like adultery, abandonment or substance abuse. Only individuals who have been Arizona residents in the past 90 days may file for divorce in the state.